
Notice and Take Down Policy

If the administrators of the website are notified of a potential breach of copyright, or receive a complaint indicating a violation of any law on, including but not limited to, intellectual property rights, data protection, confidentiality, obscenity, defamation or libel, the item involved will be removed from the website as quickly as possible pending further investigation.

Where the grounds for complaint are considered plausible, a decision will need to be made as to whether the material involved may be made available again on the website, which may take some time if it is necessary for the University to seek legal advice to resolve the complaint.

The Procedure

If you are a rights owner and are concerned that you have found material, for which you are the rights owner, on our website and you have not given permission, please contact us in writing stating the following:

  1. Your contact details.
  2. The full bibliographic details of the material.
  3. The website address where you found the material.
  4. A statement that, under penalty of perjury, you are the rights owner or are authorised to act for the rights owner.

Please send to:, c/o Ian Cook, Geography, College of Life & Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX44RJ, UK (email:

The 'Notice and Takedown' procedure is then invoked as follows:

  1. The University will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email or letter and will make an initial assessment of the validity and plausibility of the complaint.
  2. The material will be temporarily removed from the University website pending an agreed solution
  3. The University will contact the contributor who deposited the material. The contributor will be notified that the material is subject to a complaint, under what allegations, and will be encouraged to assuage the complaints concerned.
  4. The complainant and the contributor will be encouraged to resolve the issue swiftly and amicably and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes:
    1. The material is replaced on the website unchanged.
    2. The material is replaced on the website with changes.
    3. The material is permanently removed from the website.
    4. If the contributor and the complainant are unable to agree a solution, the material will remain unavailable through the website until a time when a resolution has been reached.

NB is staffed from 9.30-5.30, Monday to Friday, excluding UK national holidays and Exeter University’s Christmas closure. Please do not expect a reply to your email outside of these hours. We will reply as soon as we can, within them.